Learn more about Loretta Stagnitto Leadership Associates


ASSESS. ACT. ACHIEVE. 3-Month Blended Learning Executive & Peer Coaching Program (with BONUS additional 3-month 1:1 coaching option)


A Self-Paced & LIVE Leadership Development  Program for  Senior Directors/Directors.


1:1 EXECUTIVE COACHING & LIVE VIRTUAL PEER COACHING every month in a highly connected, hand-curated community of like-minded, same-level peers.


Loretta Stagnitto is an Executive Development and Leadership Coach (Corporate Coach U Certified Graduate), as well as an Executive Advisor, Author, Trainer, and Workshop Facilitator. She has inspired and coached many highly motivated individuals in dynamic and constantly changing business and personal environments.

In 2004 she founded Loretta Stagnitto Leadership Associates and in 2011 she launched The “I Know” System  for Personal and Team Leadership Development.

Loretta created this unique coaching methodology after years of interpreting how good managers become great leaders and how productive individuals evolve into high-performing ones.


Month-by-Month Action Plan from Executive Coach Loretta Stagnitto to guide your leadership advancement:


Gain Self-Awareness - the critical component for any leader’s success with the Lumina Spark Individualized Psychometric Profile 
Unlimited Lumina online tool access for 1 year

Gauge your current influence, reputation, and areas for growth with feedback from your direct reports, peers, and managers with our Self-Aware Leader 360-Degree Digital Feedback Assessment
Access for 1 year

Craft clear achievable professional goals and your plan to accomplish them with a ONE-YEAR Individual Development Plan (IDP) that can be used in conversations with your manager when discussing expanded leadership opportunities.

Obtain clarity, trusted advisement, and the benefit of Loretta's 20+ years of experience coaching members of the C-Suite toward advancing their scope in your three 60-minute LIVE Individual Coaching Sessions in addition to ongoing coach access throughout the course.

Insider Management & C-Suite discussions during four 2-hour LIVE Virtual Group Sessions.

Trusted Accountability Partner during & after program.

Peer Collaboration & Social Community interaction between co-participants and your Executive Coach.

Pre & Post Measurement to demonstrate improvement and a program evaluation.

Customized Coaching Worksheets and ongoing written and verbal feedback that supports and reinforces the IDP, downloadable tools, an online journal,models, videos & worksheets, & more. 

Exclusive 3-month extended 1:1 Coaching Engagement offer following program completion. 

"Loretta’s coaching helped me become more aware of my tendencies (good and bad) so I can watch for them to make better leadership decisions."

"It was good to get to know others and see different struggles we all experience in leadership."

"I wish this type of experience was available more broadly. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate."

Professional Coaching From One of the Industry’s Most Successful Leadership Coaches

Our Assess. Act. Achieve. methodology has been used by leaders at companies of all sizes and industries, including technology, healthcare, education, and financial services organizations.


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